Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...I think it is safe to assume that fans of The Flash everywhere, were extremely curious as to what the show was going to look like for a little while with Barry Allen finding himself in jail after being framed for the ‘murder’ of Clifford DeVoe and with good reason. Because this little twist to the overall season four plot line brings forth all kinds of fascinating questions. Will Barry be able to adjust to prison life and be safe considering how many people he’s helped put behind bars? Not to mention, who will keep the city safe in his absence? Well thankfully, last night’s episode, ‘The Elongated Knight Rises’, took the time to answer all of those questions and the answer to the first ones that I posed, is that Barry did indeed struggle with prison life, but not because he was constantly in danger. Sure, there were people that meant to do him harm, but his gentle nature and ability to take care of himself solved that problem. No, what made his time in Iron Heights tough, was the sheer fact that he in essence, felt helpless. He was itching to get out and do something good for the world and it was simply fascinating to watch him play the hero in tiny ways from time to time in order to get his fix. As for who would keep the city safe, well that job fell to Mister Ralph Dibny, who was more than happy to play the hero through and through (in reckless fashion of course), while Barry did his time, but the show offered up a lovely twist when it came to Ralph’s journey as well. Because in this particular tale, the younger iteration of the Trickster was busted out of jail by his mother and fellow criminal, Prank, and in the hopes of impressing his father, Trickster Jr. started a reign of terror that targeted Dibny and one of their encounters resulted in Ralph heading back to S.T.A.R. Labs with a nasty injury, and the possibility of facing greater injury, or losing his life in the line of duty was a burden that Ralph could no longer bear and he walked away from the mission and the team. Thankfully however, Barry Allen has truly become an icon at this point in his superhero career, and after a visit with the Flash, Ralph found some newfound inspiration in what he does, and finally came to terms with the fact that every time he goes out there his life is on the line, but people are depending on him regardless and that realization allowed for him to hustle and join the team in their showdown with Trickster 2.0 and Prank and he was finally able play the hero through and through, and bring this dastardly duo to justice. As an added bonus, Ralph also snagged himself a fancy new nickname in the process as well, and it would seem The Elongated Man is here to stay as Central City’s new champion. Yet, what truly made this episode so impressive is that it was in fact a transitional/filler episode, that turned out to be incredibly entertaining and engaging thanks to Dibny’s transition from doofus to true hero and his story was so damn good that it was able to completely overshadow the fact that zero progress was made on getting Barry out of jail and the DeVoe storyline as a whole. Either way, Central City has a new hero to embrace and I’m certain it’s just a matter of time before the battle with DeVoe continues, but in the meantime, we have this wonderfully uplifting and hopeful episode to bask in until next week’s adventure arrives. Until then.
Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...These days, putting together a new superhero series on television, is a pretty by the numbers affair. You get an origin story in the pilot episode, where we learn about our respective hero’s powers and abilities before a massive threat or higher calling brings forth their alter ego and they set out to save the world time and time again. That kind of a formula isn’t a bad thing, since hey, we tune in week after week to see exactly that. But it does mean that it’s getting more difficult for superhero shows to separate themselves from the pack. I make mention of that, because now that I’m over a nasty case of the flu, we need to talk about a brand-new superhero series, that quite frankly is a breath of fresh air. Because last Tuesday, Black Lightning premiered on the CW and well, I feel a strong sense of shame in not sitting through or recapping this particular show sooner because clearly, this series is going to be something special and I feel quite comfortable in saying that seeing as to how the series premiere of this new saga, ‘The Resurrection’, was unlike anything I’ve ever seen when it comes to the superhero genre. In fact, I could probably write another two thousand words on all the wonderful moments this particular episode had to offer, but for the sake of today’s recap, let’s stick with two key story elements that stood out above the rest, starting with the fact that this story was filled to the brim with social commentary on race relations in America and well, that’s a stroke of genius, plain and simple. Because there are several moments in this episode that give you great pause and stay with you long after the story has come to an end because of how well they resemble our current world and one that keeps coming to mind is where Jefferson and his family are pulled over and profiled by the police and honestly, I wish more superhero shows found ways to speak to our world the way this one has thus far. Which brings us to the second element that blew me away, the fact that this series ignores every single formula that superhero shows have to offer. Case in point, our main character; Jefferson Pierce. By the time we meet him in this story, he’s already been Black Lightning for many years and what makes his journey so incredibly different is that there is no origin story here, just a hero that’s seen the darker side of defending the innocent, to the point where he stepped away from the violence to try and do good for the world in a different manner and this was simply refreshing to watch. Because you so rarely join the hero in the middle of their journey and the best part about this little twist is that Jefferson has to make a choice to become Black Lightning again, but for vastly different reasons and his decision speaks volumes as to how sometimes, trying to stay on the sidelines when it comes to bigger issues in our lives, is downright impossible. But what matters most when it comes to this premiere, is the sheer fact that I’m already starving for more. I love that the series already feels like an established franchise and the credit for that goes to the Writer’s Room and the cast of this phenomenal show since the characters and the performances instantly draw you in, and the best part? Black Lightning returns to the CW tonight with a brand-new episode and I certainly hope you’ll be watching with me this evening and in the weeks to come, because I really get the feeling that this show is just getting started and there will be plenty more brilliant commentary waiting for us as the show rolls on. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...Somewhere along the line, we’ve all taken the time to wonder, just how far we would go to protect everyone and everything that we love. Granted, we rarely find ourselves in such a position, but taking the time to ponder upon such things gives us a strange sense of comfort. It reminds us of our values and I would venture to say that when we dream up those worst-case scenarios, the answer to that overreaching question is that we would do whatever it takes to insure the safety of everything in our lives that matters. If anything, the beauty of fiction allows for us to explore such matters safely and oddly enough, last night’s episode of Supergirl, ‘Fort Rozz’, focused squarely upon that question. Because in order to keep her sister and her friends, and all of planet Earth safe from the monster that is Reign, Kara Zor-El pulled out all the stops to learn more about her enemy. Her plan involved a return to the recently re-discovered prison that shares this episode’s namesake to speak with a Kryptonian Priestess filled with knowledge regarding her adversary, but what made her plan so risky and so bold was that she would be without her powers, meaning that she would need some help in her mission. Enter some of Supergirl’s biggest foes, Livewire and Psi, who were both recruited to join her on her mission and despite a few road bumps, they actually managed to do quite well in helping out the Girl of Steel, to the point where she was able to come face to face with Jindah Kal Rozz, the priestess in question, and the person whom the Fort was named after, allowing for Kara to learn about the other Worldkillers that are waiting to be activated. But alas…that was all she was able to gather from the Priestess since Reign arrived mid-interrogation and put an end Jindah, and in the ensuing battle, Psi was able to defeat Reign by generating a healthy dose of fear in her mind. But despite the victory and the newfound knowledge, this mission did not come without a great cost since Livewire was mortally wounded in the battle… Yet while one could consider this particular episode to be quite the dark tale thanks to the fact that Livewire passed away and that one of the Worldkillers is now activated, I personally found this episode to be quite hopeful when all is said and done. Because this tale reinforced the fact that Kara is in fact, a true champion for good and that her actions and her morals engender the best in everyone, something that Mon-El pointed out in the end of the episode and something that was demonstrated by way of both Livewire and Psi since they took the mission seriously and did everything within their power to make sure it was a success. However, it is a shame that the series bid farewell to Livewire. She was always a dynamic and vibrant character whenever she popped up, and she served as a wonderful foil to Kara for that matter as well and I’m certain her loss will not be in vain since Supergirl will find a way to properly honor her memory. Either way, this was hands down an incredible episode, and kudos to the series for once again finding a way to pay tribute to the ‘Super-universe’ by casting Sarah Douglas, who played Ursa in Superman II, as Jindah Kal Rozz, and it should be interesting to see what the DEO’s next move is going to be, now that another Worldkiller has come to realize her purpose. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...Sometimes in television, a particular storyline or story arc that the series is currently going through, simply wears out its welcome, despite the best efforts of the Writer’s Room to keep such matters as interesting as possible. It could be due to the fact that said story arc just isn’t strong enough, or because it drags on too long, but I think we can all recall a particular moment when it comes to our favorite shows when this has happened and to be honest, I’ve been supremely worried about such an issue coming to fruition on Star Trek: Discovery when it comes to the Mirror Universe storyline. Because in reality, there’s only so much one can explore about a place where all of humanity has transformed into the elements we lament about our species and where they do horrible things day in and day out and considering the fact that we are still trapped in this place with the crew of the Discovery, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before it loses its luster. However, leave it to this series to find a way to quell our concerns and surprise us all in stunning fashion by making this awful place fascinating once again, because last night’s episode, ‘Vaulting Ambition’, managed to deliver quite the game changing twist when it comes to the Mirror Universe. But before we get too deep into that, let’s talk about the other wonders this story managed to accomplish, in that the plot lines involving Stamets and Tyler/Voq were moved along in impressive fashion. After all, L’Rell is finally cooperating with Saru and did something to relieve the stress that Tyler’s mind was going through and oddly enough, the story heavily implied that perhaps Voq and Tyler have finally become one since L’Rell wept for her love/hero once he spoke nothing but English. As for Stamets, well he finally escaped the vastness of the Mycelial Network, but not before making peace with the fact that Hugh is dead, and he discovered that the Network itself is in danger now thanks to Mirror Universe Stamets and his work within this limitless place. However, while all of that was fascinating, and quite frankly could have carried this episode on its own, Burnham coming face to face with Emperor Georgiou ended up being the most powerful storyline of the night. Because we came to learn that the Emperor has a soft spot for Burnham, since alternate Michael was raised in the Mirror Universe as her daughter, and that she is not without mercy, since eventually Michael Prime had to reveal her true identity to stave off execution and in doing so, the Emperor was willing to entertain Burnham’s offer of teamwork to get the U.S.S. Discovery back where it belongs. But Georgiou expressed nothing but disdain for Lorca, and with good reason, because in the closing moments of the episode, we learned that Gabriel Lorca is not the honorable maverick we believed him to be, instead it turns out…he’s nothing more than a disgraced officer of the Terran Empire, out for revenge. Yes, that’s right, Lorca is from the Mirror Universe, and well, this is one hell of an incredible twist. Because it raises all of kinds of wild questions, like for example, what exactly happened to the Gabriel Lorca that hails from the Federation’s universe? Is he dead? Held captive? We simply don’t know, and to top it all off, this revelation suddenly puts his actions this season into perspective. His recklessness and carelessness in the war effort wasn’t out of some act of redemption after all, it was all designed to push the crew of Discovery to get him back to his universe so he could finally enact his coup against the Emperor and clearly, he played the part well, and he conned Burnham and the audience nicely and now…it looks like our intrepid crew is about to be sucked into a nasty power struggle/civil war. This stunning plot twist also implies that Lorca knows of a way to travel between universes, but none of that may matter, because I get the impression that Michael is going to side with the Emperor to keep the crew safe once Lorca’s revolution begins, and that will undoubtedly lead to Lorca keeping the knowledge of how he can traverse between universes a secret. But when all is said and done, I loved this plot twist. It just gave the Mirror Universe incredible relevance in Star Trek canon and it makes every single moment of the last three episodes worthwhile and fascinating and now the stakes are higher than ever. Either way, it’s going to take a monumental effort for the crew to get back home, and I’m dying to know how on earth Burnham and her shipmates are going to escape this incredible mess. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...As the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for. Because last week, I lamented the pacing, tone and design of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., because quite frankly it was more of the same, and the plot simply wasn’t moving forward in the slightest, and I spoke to my desire to see the show deliver us with something more and well…I got precisely what I asked for. Because ‘The Last Day’ propelled the plot forward leaps and bounds, but how it accomplished that, is what ended up being a somewhat regretful surprise on my end. Not because it was bad by any means, this was in fact, a great episode through and through, but I call it that because the story went to some supremely dark places in order to advance the plot, case in point, everything that happened in the Lighthouse in this particular tale. Because Kasius felt it was high time to make the last vestiges of humanity pay and pay dearly for the team’s escape from the facility and he unleashed the Roaches on the habitation level, resulting in the wholesale slaughter of innocents and if wasn’t for Mack and Yo-Yo, there’s a fair chance mankind would have been wiped out right then and there. However, while that plotline alone was tense and bleak, this episode wasn’t quite done with the darkness. Because on the surface, Coulson and the gang arrived at the skeleton of Zephyr One, which now served as a shelter for Robin and her merry band of survivors and as they took a moment to catch their breath, we gained more insight into the past, and saw the team struggle to survive the end of the world, and well what made this sequence so jarring was the fact that the team spent a lot of time fighting one another and pursuing their own agendas, something we simply don’t see from them on any occasion. Thankfully though, that was merely an alternate timeline that Robin lived through, and with the team mostly reunited in this wasteland they could finally figure out how to return home since Robin wasn’t exactly helpful in unlocking the secrets to time travel, but the technology on Zephyr One seemed to give them everything they needed for a return trip to the past. However, trouble still surrounded them. For Robin’s ‘followers’ felt the need to start a mini revolt, one that would insure Daisy’s death so that the world can never come to its end and unfortunately, Robin was mortally wounded in the scuffle and spent her final moments with May, someone she considered her surrogate mother, before she passed into that great beyond, but not before giving May the secret on how to travel back in time. If anything, I have to say, this particular episode was worth going through a silly one simply because holy cow, it was damn good. This was the best parts of this series on display. It was perfectly paced, the story drew you in and honestly, that ending, was downright beautiful and most importantly, the plot is chugging along once again but wow, it came at quite the cost since so many died in order to progress it. Either way, it looks like we are headed back to present day to unravel and stop the mystery of how the world ended, and I do hope that before the Agents return home, they deal with Kasius because let’s be honest, the guy’s a jerk and deserves everything that’s coming to him. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...When we last left Holden Matthews and his friends and family on Beyond, things were actually pretty great. After all, Hollow Sky lay in ruin following everyone’s escape from the facility, their enigmatic leader Frost had died in the Realm and speaking of the Realm, it seems that Holden also managed to eliminate any further threats from this mysterious place by destroying the bridge, and it seemed that because of his powers and his heroic actions, at long last that Holden was going to be able to enjoy the normal life he’s so desired. Which brings us to last night’s season two premiere, ‘Two Zero One’ and ‘Cheers, Bitch’, wherein we were finally able to check in on Holden and discover that well, life has been treating him well in the days following his big heroic moment. He has a job at last, thanks to an assist from his father, a bed that he can sleep comfortably in and he and Willa are seeing one another on a regular basis. But while it seems that life is peachy, there are new struggles for Holden to discover and overcome in these two tales, like the fact that relationships have their roadblocks, and that living a normal life is going to be quite the incredible task. Because both he and Willa are doing their best to seem like an everyday couple, but that’s easier said than done. Their abilities and their experiences separate them from the rest of us and despite their best efforts to appear like average people, they faltered in keeping that façade up throughout these two episodes. Because when Holden was threatened by an annoying coworker with physical violence, Willa stepped in to kick some ass and she wowed everyone with fighting skills that are clearly out of this world. Plus, we do have to talk about that awkward and hilarious dinner, wherein Willa tried desperately to make a good impression on Holden’s parents because that’s when she realized, that being normal may never be possible for the couple, and when you combine her journey in this pair of episodes, with the fact that Holden is still trying desperately to fit in every chance he gets…you come to realize that she’s one hundred percent right in thinking that. However, while it was fascinating to watch the lovely couple do their best to try to adjust to a peaceful and normal life and put the past behind them, there were others in this two hour tale who had no intention of moving on after the events at Hollow Sky, in fact…Charlie and Yellow Jacket were out for revenge. Because their journey took them on an undercover mission to deal with Frost’s lieutenant, Shoemaker, and the duo quietly worked in the shadows to access Shoemaker’s home to steal important intel on Yellow Jacket’s daughter and in doing so, they came to discover that Shoemaker…has cancer. Of course, the precise plan as to how these two are going to take her down wasn’t revealed in this episode, but this plot thread served as wonderful contrast to the Holden and Willa storyline, and really, it’s kind of a guilty delight to see these two working together. But, what mattered most about this pair of episodes, is the sheer fact that they served as the grand setup for a bigger plotline involving the Realm. In fact, it was quite interesting that Holden more or less wrote off that strange and foreboding dream that he had at the end of season one, especially considering that the dreams are continuing to happen, and they are showing a future filled with fire and fear and pain and he’s not the only one seeing this, since the series also introduced us to a man named Edgar, who apparently has also been to the Realm, and he’s looking for Holden and having similar visions, and to top it all off, Arthur is still desperate to return to the Realm, despite the warnings that Willa sent his way about the true dangers that lurk in that mystical place. Of course, one could complain that this series premiere didn’t quite do enough to get the plot rolling over the course of two episodes and in all reality, I’m glad the show took it slow. Because, season one of Beyond was always about quality character development and taking a slow burn approach to revealing its plot points and it pleases me to no end that season two has maintained that tradition because once again I’m hooked. I’m dying to see how Holden will deal with the fact that one way or another, he’s likely going to have to use his powers and play the hero once again when he is against doing anything of the sort, and it should be equally as fascinating to discover what cataclysm is coming by way of the Realm in the weeks to come, and as an added bonus, we’ll probably get to enjoy more incredible insults from Charlie as she rips into Yellow Jacket as their plan comes to fruition. Either way, I’m so glad this wonderful television show is back on the air, and I’ll be waiting with baited breath to see where the story will take us, come next Thursday. Until then. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...It’s funny really, how last week when we sat down to discuss the wonder of The X-Files, I made mention of the fact that mythology surrounding this series always seems to find a way to make its way into each and every single episode and then the show goes and surprises all of us last night with a wonderful stand-alone story, free of aliens and conspiracies and well, what a breath of fresh air this episode turned out to be. Because ‘Plus One’, took us back to the early days of the series, wherein Mulder and Scully investigated some of the strangest things we’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, this particular tale wasn’t quite as jaw dropping as I would have liked for it to be, but it was still a wonderful throwback to the past, and it featured a story that was quite frankly, a ton of fun for several reasons, the first being that wonderfully creepy opening wherein a young man was faced with a twisted doppelgänger that meant to do him grave harm. Thankfully, he survived, but his case caught Mulder’s attention because there had been several more instances and reports of people seeing their double and oddly enough, this young man was the only one to go through such an experience and live, leading Mulder and Scully to uncover a twisted plot by a pair of twins to use dark forces that the human mind cannot normally comprehend or see to take revenge upon people that more or less annoy them and really, what made this episode such a delight was the return of an X-Files icon. Because while the name Karin Konoval may not seem familiar to the casual fan, the hardcore folks know that Karin has been part of this show’s legacy for some time now, and if you recall the terrifyingly good episode, ‘Home’, you’ll remember Karin as Mrs. Peacock and well, she made a triumphant return to the saga last night, playing both Judy and Chucky Poundstone and she was just an absolute delight when it comes to this story. She was chilling, she was creepy and I’m certain she made plenty of us jump in the final moments of the story as the last part of the twist played out. But aside from Karin’s incredible work on screen, the other wonderful part when it comes to this story, is that the truth behind whatever force the Poundstone’s tapped into, remains an utter mystery. We’ll never know if it was some sort of spirit from beyond, or the devil, or just some powerful psychic ability, and I’m good with that. Mysteries like that are what keep our imaginations going and I’m so glad the series took the time to wow us with a standalone treat like this and I hope we get more stories this season that remind us that there are some things in this world that will always remain a mystery. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK... Okay, I have to be perfectly honest with all of you, in that, early on in last night’s episode of The Librarians, I found myself a touch irritated. Not because the episode was bad by any means, but because yet again, the One True Librarian matter was taking the center stage and for a moment there, I had assumed that the series had started to build the foundation for resolving that matter by giving all of the Librarians a chance to discover what the Library means to them on a personal level. However, my irritation quickly passed once I remembered that well, this show is all about relating to its audience and let’s be honest, who among us haven’t found peace or resolution when it comes to something important in our lives, only to second guess ourselves once that particular answer has been found? Because fear and doubt are powerful, powerful forces in our mind and wouldn’t you know it, those two elements found their way back into the season four story arc in ‘And a Town Called Feud’. Because really, this episode did its best to put those two elements on display as often as possible, especially when it came to Jake and Ezekiel’s story this week, where at first it seemed as though they were flat out being jerks to one another, trying to one up the other as often as possible to prove to the Library and their egos that they were in fact the One True Librarian and should be accepted as such. But as the episode rolled on, with plenty of magical and hilarious moments (take Feud’s local caterer for example), it quickly became apparent that their actions were grounded in fear and doubt. After all, they’ve put in some incredible time and effort into transforming themselves into heroes, and in all honesty, this episode brought me back to the series premiere, wherein this intrepid crew were in essence lost before the Library brought them into the fold, and honestly, after having the opportunity to save the world and do incredible things, who would want to go back to a regular life where one is drifting day to day, looking for purpose? So really, the desperation to prove their worthiness in this episode made sense through and through and thankfully, they once again proved their worth to the Library, and one another, and reminded us of the importance of unity for that matter as well. However, there is of course a wrinkle in the fold despite this resolution. For while, Baird, Jake and Ezekiel now believe that the Library can handle more than one Librarian; Jenkins and Cassandra believe otherwise. Because thanks to a little digging in the archives, they came across the brother’s correspondence wherein it seems that there can only be One True Librarian due to the fact that others will let selfish interests get in the way of accomplishing wonders and really, having Cassandra and Jenkins swayed in the opposite direction due to the fact that they believed they were being selfish in wanting to keep the team together, is just downright brilliant. Because, that’s how wonderful these characters are. They think that wanting to keep good friends together in a magical place to make the world a better place is selfish, but in reality, I’m sure the real issue at hand is that the brothers of lore, wanted the Library to serve far more nefarious purposes that benefit their ego and their desires and I think once the Librarians figure that out, and continue to unify, they’ll find that there can in fact, be more than one Librarian. Either way, I adored this episode. I loved the fact that fear and doubt permeated their minds once again and that they’re trying their best to overcome it, and that it took the time to address unity and the good that people can accomplish when they set aside their differences and it just goes to show that The Librarians is by far one of the most uplifting television shows out there. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...When we last left Barry Allen on The Flash, Central City’s greatest hero found himself in quite the sticky situation. Because in the closing moments of the midseason finale, Barry was placed under arrest for the murder of Clifford DeVoe, an act that Clifford himself had orchestrated behind the scenes in order to get Barry out of the way and well, I think it’s safe to say we knew in that moment that dark times were ahead for the Flash. As it turns out, last night’s midseason premiere, ‘The Trial of the Flash’, confirmed this because as the title indicates, the time had come for Barry to face a jury of his peers for his ‘crime’ and while it seemed for a moment there that this entire hour was going to be devoted to Barry Allen’s trial, the Writer’s Room clearly understood that this would in fact, be a boring way to go for the midseason premiere. So rather than give us Law and Order: Central City, the story instead focused upon the impact this whole mess had on those closest to the man. Joe for example, struggled mightily with the notion that his surrogate son might be going to jail, which prompted him to do anything and everything to keep Barry from spending the rest of his life behind bars and well, that led to quite the stunning moment, wherein Joe was ready to plant evidence to keep Barry free. Thankfully, a quick discussion with Dibny changed his mind on pulling something like this and really, it was downright heartbreaking to see just how much this whole mess rattled Joe, and he wasn’t alone when it came to making desperate moves to save Barry. Because Iris was ready to reveal his true identity in the courtroom, all in the hopes of inspiring the jury to acquit him. But Barry stepped in to make sure that Iris didn’t reveal his alter-ego and really, all of this should have rattled him too, but Barry was calm, cool and collect throughout the entire episode, and he even took the time to step away from his trial, knowing full well it would make him look bad in the public eye in order to save the city from a surprise Meta that could generate incredible amounts of radiation with his body and well, all of this just went to show that Barry has finally reached his apex as a hero and understands his role in life and what sacrifices are now necessary to maintain the mythos of the Flash. However, despite all the good that Barry projected in this episode, he was still found guilty of First Degree Murder and sentenced to life in prison for his ‘crime’ and well this one ends on an equally sour note, with Barry in jail and DeVoe/Dominic free to execute whatever the heck he’s planning and well, I honestly loved this episode through and through. It’s just so rare to see the bad guy win in shows like this, but The Flash was bold enough to let that happen and now DeVoe has the upper hand and it’s going to take a monumental effort from Barry’s friends to clear his name so that he can stop this madman before it’s too late. Until next time. Written by John Edward BetancourtTHIS IS THE EMERGENCY SPOILER ALERT SYSTEM...YOU ARE ADVISED TO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...When we last left Kara and her friends on Supergirl, the situation was extremely grim. Reign had finally made herself known to the world and despite Kara’s best efforts to defeat her, she lost the fight in spectacular fashion, leaving her bruised, battered and unconscious in a manner reminiscent of ‘The Death of Superman’. This incredible beat down of course left all of us wondering exactly how on earth Kara and the DEO were going to get out of this mess, and thankfully, last night’s midseason premiere, ‘Legion of Superheroes’ wasted no time in answering that question. As it turns out, in order to defeat this Kryptonian nightmare, it was going to take a super team up, but getting everyone on the same page turned out to be quite the tall order when all was said and done. After all, Mon-El and his band his friends could have easily suited up and aided in the fight, but Kara’s former love revealed that such an action could have dire consequences for the future, because if harm came to Mon-El and his pals, a critical cure to save the universe from a deadly species of interstellar blight could be lost since it was encoded in their DNA, signaling the end to all life as we know it. To complicate matters further, Kara had more than just physical healing to do in this story before she could re-enter the fight since we found her in a coma in this tale, one where her conscious mind trapped itself in her subconscious to heal and while this seemed like a mere plot device to delay her return at first, it turned out to be an extremely important part of the story. Because it was here where Kara finally dealt with everything that’s been plaguing her mind in season three, allowing for her to find internal peace and balance at last and once she figured out who she really is, and what exactly she stands for, she was able to leave her own mental prison. Yet while it was wonderful to see Kara finally overcome her pain this season, what was equally as magical to witness in this tale is how well she manages to inspire others. Because after watching Reign continue to hammer the good people of National City, Mon-El decided he could stand by no longer and with his friends and the DEO at his side, and Supergirl as well, this brand-new Legion of Superheroes stood their ground and they were able to finally humble Reign and wound her with some Kryptonite, and for now it would seem that Reign is subdued, and it was simply beautiful to see everyone come together like this and fight back when their champion needed a breather. In the end however, this ended up being a pretty by the numbers episode for this show, and that’s actually a wonderful thing. Because there was an opportunity here for the story to essentially slip off the rails and try something gimmicky to wow us all in dealing with Reign, and instead, the story stuck with the basics and that made for a surprisingly satisfying and compelling story and now that Kara has her head back on straight, she can deal with this new threat head on, and I cannot wait to see how she will defeat this wicked monster in the weeks to come. Until next time. |
January 2025