Written by John Edward Betancourt![]() Each and every one of us have a particular job or career field in mind that we are working toward or striving toward because we know precisely what is means for us when we finally obtain it. Because getting our hands on that proverbial dream job means that we will enjoy sustained happiness and measured success and we will likely get up every single morning with a smile on our faces because this is it, we’ve achieved perfection in our minds and we simply cannot wait to see where the day, and our perfect gig will take us. At times, this quest seems outlandish and/or difficult, but it is something that people can achieve and enjoy, but there is a caveat to the dream job that everyone sometimes forgets in that, the wonder of it may never last. For some gigs have a shelf life, the kind that allow for it to slip from our hands in quick and stunning fashion and most folks are ill prepared to handle life after their perfect job has left them behind because the sheer shock of such a surprise can impact one’s life for years on end and recently, I took the time to revisit a film that focuses on the difficult road ahead for those who cannot move on when their dream job comes to an end in The Wrestler. Now in this particular film, we are introduced to Randy ‘The Ram’ Robinson, a professional wrestler who enjoyed all kinds of incredible success back in the 1980s and 1990s. In fact, Randy was at one point, the true toast of the town, and was adored by legions of fans. But time unfortunately, marches on, as do sports and in the here and the now, Randy is a shell of his former self. For the fame and the money have all dried up, leaving The Ram with no choice but to take on local wrestling gigs when he’s not working his part time job in order to pay the bills and enjoy a little adoration from his fans. But a devastating heart attack and subsequent bypass surgery change everything for Randy, for this ailment robs him of the chance to compete further, forcing Randy to deal with the life he’s left behind, a task, that is easier said than done… ![]() It’s rare these days to stumble upon motion pictures that truly examine the tougher side of life since we expect our cinema going experience to serve as an escape but this film, doesn’t shy away from anything when it comes to looking at what life can become when the dream job disappears and that makes this movie a devastating experience when all is said and done. For Randy’s life after wrestling is simply heartbreaking to say the least because the man simply has nothing. He has no friends to talk to, no financial security, or hobbies to keep him busy. There are just his memories of the good old days, and his side gigs to keep that spark alive and once that’s taken from him, the film slips into darker territory believe it or not since Randy really is forced to start planning for a life without wrestling and well, he simply cannot do it. He cannot connect with his daughter or the one woman he has eyes for and well, all of that is a direct result of the fact that we are dealing with a man who was in essence, a nobody before the national stage found him and nurtured him and he doesn’t understand personal interaction in the slightest and it’s equally as tragic to see how Randy believes that his past is what should earn him a pass with people and entrance into their lives when we all know that’s simply not the case. If anything, this powerful character study serves as a warning, in that, those who pursue their dreams need to stay grounded as they find success so that they have something to hold onto when times get tough or if the gig they so adore slips from their fingertips and really, in the end this movie is nothing more than a grand and sweeping tragedy and I applaud it for not going into happier territory. Because sadly, sometimes life doesn’t give us our happy ending, and we need to be reminded of that from time to time, so that we don’t end up like Randy and hold onto the past over anything else and well, this is just a powerful motion picture when all is said and done. Because this one, truly does move you, and that is in large part due to the fact that the acting here is top notch, with Mickey Rourke leading the way with his incredible portrayal of Randy ‘The Ram’ Robinson, and if by chance you haven’t seen this little gem please do. For it really is about more than just professional wrestling, it’s about life, our hopes and our dreams and how they can in fact become toxic if we lose ourselves in the wrong moment and well, you simply cannot go wrong with watching a film that has that many themes and concepts to offer its audience.
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February 2025