Written by John Edward Betancourt When it comes to truly being able to analyze the human condition and who or what we are as a species, there is no genre better at breaking down mankind than Science Fiction. After all, this is a genre that has made us ponder upon the dangers of technology when it is used for the wrong reasons, the horrors of playing God and most importantly...what it means to be human. By taking us into incredible situations, and places and times that right now only our imaginations can comprehend, what we are as a people is completely and utterly exposed and we are forced to look at the human condition and nothing more as we travel the stars or enjoy newfound comforts and of all the many human centric stories out there from this genre, one continues to stand out as one of the finest sci-fi has ever offered, 1982's...Blade Runner. This is one of those films that is so iconic and so powerful that the plot needs no discussion. We know it, and we love it...what matters more here is that we sit down and reflect upon how genius this film is when it comes to addressing the notion of what it means to be human, what a privilege that is as well and how the story does this in unique fashion. I say that because while one can discuss for hours on end the basics of the film, how the Tyrell Corporation essentially plays God and the Replicants serve as retribution for dabbling in things we as a species don't and never will understand...there is a deeper meaning to this film that is ironically enough explored by the Nexus Sixes that populate the story. After all, these unfortunate beings cross the stars to return to earth, risking life and limb for one simple thing...more life. They are in many ways, misunderstood creatures that have nothing to lose that are seen as the villain when in reality, all they want is everything that we have. A long and fruitful life filled to the brim with experiences and memories that provide lessons and emotions to reflect upon for all of their days and well...it's a brilliant move for this film. Because this is where the story looks at the fact that who we are is a blessing and that in many ways, we take our lives for granted. In the case of Los Angeles, 2019, it is a world full of technology and comfort, for some, and hard work for others, but oddly enough the human characters are presented as two dimensional. They go about their day, do what must be done and enjoy their creature comforts to the best of their ability. Meanwhile, the Replicants are trying their damndest to preserve what precious memories they have, as is evidenced by Leon's return to the hotel to get his precious photos and perhaps forge new ones as well. They are fully aware of their mortality, and know that they must embrace every single moment since they will never come again and this is where the film's message comes to fruition. For what it means to be human, is to live life to fullest, enjoy this gift we have been given and to experience everything and anything we can and enjoy the good and the bad in the process, because we too have an expiration date and it seems as though the people of Deckard's world, have completely and utterly lost sight of this. They get by, moving from day to day, missing out on the sheer beauty of everything around them and that point is driven home by Roy's final words before he expires. However, what makes all of this work for the film, is the fact that this message is relayed in subtle and simple fashion. The movie never once crams it down your throat, it lets the story play out as natural as possible. Which means it is that rare breed of film that caters to so many. For those who want entertainment, they are treated to a beautiful dystopian future filled with incredible visuals, an engaging story and all around fun time. But for those who want more, the film is loaded to the brim with thoughtful moments and ideas that stay with you long after you've left the theater or turned off your DVD player. It is truly a modern classic, one that as the years progress, becomes more relevant to the times and our lives and one that always reminds us to enjoy everything that life has to offer and to celebrate the wonder of our humanity.
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January 2025