Written by John Edward Betancourt ![]() We live in a supremely unique era when it comes to fame and fortune. Simply because, in this day and age, anyone can become rich and famous, seemingly overnight, and it doesn’t take a whole lot to make that happen. You just need a good phone, the internet, and a hook. One that is either something new or something that builds upon something someone else has done, and with a little patience and dedication, you’ll be a star on social media and earning your way to grandiose fame in no time. Which is amazing, because this path has given rise to so many voices that would have gone unheard in the old era, where there were more gatekeepers to the world of fame of fortune. But what’s fascinating about this, is that one’s time in this new spotlight can fade as quickly as it started, in large part because of the lack of gatekeepers and shepherds. Because agents and managers can in fact, help people create sustainable content that allows for them to never fade, and having gatekeepers about can keep them from making foolish decisions or career ending ones. But alas, that just doesn’t exist, and plenty of folks lose what they had quickly because of stale content or bad moves, and having the dream of being the spotlight ripped way can impact a person greatly and perhaps drive them to desperate measures to reclaim what they seek. As to how bad that could get, well that is explored in The Ego Death of Queen Cecilia, a fascinating feature that screened at the Austin Film Festival this year. Wherein we are introduced to a woman named Cecilia, who is not happy with her life in the moment. Simply because it wasn’t that long ago, that she was the queen of YouTube. In fact, she was known as Queen Cecilia, and she was truly the toast of the town. But somewhere along the line, her views dropped, the money and the attention dried up and she found herself struggling to maintain. To the point where she sold off assets, sold her house and moved into an apartment she hates. Wherein she tries desperately to revitalize her career whilst working side jobs she also despises. But there is a silver lining. For with a little cash, she can retain the services of an individual that can rehab her online presence, and well… she’s so desperate and so eager to be back at the top of social media… that she’s ready to blackmail a former classmate turned drug dealer to get the money she needs. A decision… that will make her struggles all the more difficult when his boss discovers what she is up to. ![]() Which is… the perfect way to explore the central theme. Because truly… Cecilia is a broken individual. One that really did get drunk off of fame and wants it back badly, and sinking to poking about with drug dealers is quite the low. Because they’re not people to be messed with, in any capacity, but that’s how bad she wants this, that’s how bad she needs that money and that leads to a harrowing journey where her morals are tested, and that explores that under the right circumstances, how people will do whatever it takes to be in the spotlight. Oddly enough… that exploration leads to some amazing commentary regarding fame. The kind that speaks to how we have made it a true obsession in the modern world. Which in turn allows for this story to go deeper with its commentary and explorations. Since it also ponders upon, why this kind of fame is such an obsession. Because think about it, so many want what Cecilia has, and so many want to be the next YouTube star. But why? Why is that the ultimate goal and this film correctly points out that for a fair number of people, it’s about being seen at last. At finding worth through the roar of applause and legions of fans that adore them. Which is expressed through small moments with Cecilia. Since she is oft offended by people who no longer remember her from ages ago and how she constantly hangs onto those moments, and the horrors of losing her fan base. Which in turn, allows for the film to outright inform the audience… that the why should be something deeper, something more powerful. It should be because you want to entertain or want to tell stories and enrich other’s lives through your talents. Because being famous just isn’t enough and solves nothing. Which makes this a poignant and powerful feature, one that is supremely creative and engaging. For the worst-case scenario that Cecilia goes through, makes for an engaging ride, one where you learn to care about Cecilia and her well-being, and her journey also allows for the messages to be easily digested. Because this one has a lot to say about fame and fortune, and the state of the world of the self-made star and well, it’s about damn time a move pondered upon such matters. Because the world is simply obsessed with likes and clicks and the next hot thing, and sadly… so many want to be that… to just have their moment. Which makes this a brilliant film, one that is an absolute must-see. Since it features a refreshing and original plot that is moving, and intense and stays with you long after it comes to an end. Thanks to its powerful commentary regarding a complex wish that so many harbor.
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February 2025