Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 1005 of ‘Chicago Med’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
For the most part, Halloween episodes have gone the way of the dodo. Which is strange, because the Halloween episode was once a revered bit of television. Wherein the cast and crew could enjoy some creative license and tell spooky stories or just celebrate the wonder of the holiday. But one day, they just faded away and no one really knows why and thankfully, we no longer have to. Because after years of being away from the market, the Halloween episode is making a comeback, as evidenced by some of NBC’s lineup this week, such as last night’s episode of Chicago Med. Because ‘Bad Habits’ offered up all kinds of spooky. In fact, the episode opened up with some amazing Halloween cheer. Since the staff was dressed to the nines in their spooky best, all to answer a Code Orange. Which just so happened to be a glut of children from the hospital and other locations. Which made for a fun opening to the show and well, once the candy and tricks and treats were out of the way, did the show offer up a vastly different kind of Halloween episode. For a lot of the elements present here examined fear, and how we overcome it in trying times, along with a unique storyline involving how the past can find us medically. Plus, there was also a super spooky moment for Dr. Frost. Who had to treat some patients that were exposed to bats on this spooky night, which led to a scary encounter with a mentally ill patient that opted to bite the good doctor, and that was indeed fitting for a Halloween shift at the hospital. But that aside, Dr. Ripley spent a great deal of time examining how the past can come back to haunt folks medically. Since his bestie’s girlfriend and son were in the ER because she ignored her child’s health because of how bad things were at home, and he was treating a nun that happened to have a failed pregnancy still inside of her body. All of which spoke to the central theme, and how we must confront the past when it pops by, to find peace. Which the nun did by reflecting on how she got pregnant, before having the remains removed and where Ripley… came to understand he could not escape yesterday, and had to do more for his brother by choice. Which made for quite the meaningful bit of storytelling for certain. One that was wonderfully counterbalanced by what Dr. Charles and Dr. Asher dealt with. For their journeys revolved around the fear themes we mentioned a moment ago. Since Dr. Charles was dealing with a case regarding a man that appeared to have a psychotic break. One that could have cost him time with his daughter permanently and he was terrified of losing his mind and of being away from that which meant the most to him. But with Jackie’s help, Dr. Charles realized that this poor soul was having issues with his medication and with a little care, he would be fine and free of this scare. And as for Dr. Asher, well she was working with a mother to be that desperately needed help with pre-natal care, and she was terrified that something bad would happen to her baby, but her fears were assuaged by getting the care she needed. For an issue was found and worked through. Which allowed for her to go home feeling safe. All of which explored, how all we can do when we are scared, is take a breath, and a beat so we can look at our fear objectively and overcome it the right way. Which in this instance involved a little science and some care, and that all made… for one delightful episode of this show. One that truly did take the Halloween episode into new territory. Since it focused less on the supernatural and more on the real-world things that scare us, something that was a tad more harrowing for Goodwin, since someone is lurking around her house, we learned, making that death threat important again. But going this route storytelling wise, is worthwhile and amazing. Because that’s the kind of stuff that will help to revitalize this kind of episode, and well, now that one uniquely spooky tale has come to a close, it’s onto a two week break for the show, and it would seem that when we pick back up… that last element of fear we discussed, will take the center stage. Until next time. Watch ‘Chicago Med’
Written by John Edward Betancourt It is definitely safe to say that everyone knows what happens to a big-time world leader when they leave office. In that, they simply retire. Sure, they might pop up on the campaign trail now and again to remind everyone they’re still around and still have a little pep in their step and swing to shove around, but for the most part… that’s it. They’ll write their memoirs, perhaps see a presidential library erected in their honor. But outside of that, they get to take it easy and enjoy retirement from public life and rightfully so. After all, they spend a fair chunk of their life serving millions upon millions of people, and their safety was in their hands, so why not rest? But sometimes rest, and a happy ever after isn’t enough for some, especially creative minds. For now, and again, thoughtful minds wonder what life would be like if those leaders didn’t fade from our world and instead became something more, something epic if you will. Such as say… a gumshoe of sorts. After all, the majority of world leaders have a sound mind and are often quite observant. Some, well we can forget about from an IQ standpoint. But what if one of the far classier and more intelligent world leaders wanted that to be their second act? What would that look like? And would they be successful? Well, it just so happens that a new comedy/crime series on MHz Choice actually takes the time to explore those very questions. Feats that Miss Merkel accomplishes by following up with the former Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. Wherein we learn she’s retired to the German countryside with her husband and her appointed bodyguard, Mike. To finally retire from public service and enjoy the quiet life. But soon, she comes to learn that private life is filled to the brim with chaos and mystery. The kind that the local police struggle with, so she takes it upon herself to be the new private investigator in her town and solve heinous crimes and find new fulfillment in doing so. Which is a plot and concept that informs us… that such a decision would be hilarious at times, and awesome through and through. Because make no mistake about it, this is a funny, funny show. One that really does lean into the awkward nature of seeing a world leader become a world class detective. For that really is a fish out of water story, one that works here though. Because the right world leader was chosen. For Angela Merkel is known for her sharp intellect, and how little escaped her grasp, and this plays into that and believe it or not, that brings about, a stunningly delightful crime story as well. Because what’s been crafted here are detailed cases, brim with all the best aspects of the genre, and the delightful clues and misdirection here force us and Angela to pay attention to what’s going on, and that truly does engage the viewer and keep them guessing. Not to mention, the show follows through with its mysteries and wraps them up in a satisfying manner for certain. One that feels complete and makes Merkel quite the hero. All of which gives rise, to a brilliant series. One that takes some big swings and some big risks, but they all pay off in the end. Because everything works here, and you truly believe that the former Chancellor of Germany is indeed the next Matlock or Columbo, and even the quirky moments where she’s not solving crimes, are filled with some endearing realism that truly allows for one to root for this version of the Chancellor and hope that she succeeds. Which gives rise to a must-watch series. Because you truly need to see this one to believe it, and the good news is, you can, right now. For two super-sized episodes of this show are streaming on MHz Choice now, and we hope you give it a look. Because it really is a true delight. Watch ‘Miss Merkel’ on MHz Choice. Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Six of ‘Midnight Family’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
One particular lesson that every doctor and every medical professional learns early on in their career, is not to take anything that happens in their profession… personal. Because they are going to see some horrible things in their careers, and people will suffer and will die in front of them. So, they have to keep their emotions at bay, they have to stay stoic and unattached to mentally survive. For they are human as well, and their emotions can and will get the better of them if they let folks in. Which is why so many hold to that rule, and why so many shows and movies showcase a frosty side to medical professionals, to maintain its gravity. But it does leave one to wonder… how bad it could be if by chance, that rule wasn’t held to since we so rarely hear about those exceptions, and we don’t see them in popular media. Which is why this week’s episode of Midnight Family on Apple TV+ is of note. Since ‘Freestyle’ took the time to examine such matters through a pair of unique lenses. One of which involved Marcus. Simply because while he was off the truck and working toward a rap battle with Cris, an incident took place. One that prompted self-harm from a young woman that left her in tatters and thankfully, Marcus’ training kicked in. Which allowed for him to stabilize her and keep her going long enough for Gaby and Ramón to arrive and save her and well, that made dear Marcus a star. In fact, the internet took to calling him Justice Bieber, and he embraced it and loved it, and in doing so… crossed a unique line. Because now he wanted attention and wanted both worlds, he lived in to be appreciated, and that led to a rift with Cris. In part because, he was in essence helping to exploit the video of someone in need. But also, because he was basically romanticizing a serious career field and trying to make it part of his stage persona, and that’s problematic, and that made for a powerful lesson regarding the importance of separation, one that was further expanded upon by Gaby. Since she found herself in some odd places in this story. For instance, she went to dinner at Bernardo’s house in this tale, wherein she was privy to some ugly conversations. Wherein doctors that have taken the oath, spoke ill poked fun of the less fortunate. Which fired up Gaby like never before and prompted her to lash out and probably make life difficult for herself at school, which while justified, could have been handled in a cooler manner. But Gaby long left that separation line behind and truly holds to the notion that passion must be part of the process and her removing that shield led to some serious heartbreak and worry in this tale as well. For she was spending a lot of time with Nallely in this tale, and they grew to be good friends, the kind that were open and honest and that brought about real panic when Gaby got the doomsday call. For Nallely had a head injury that went undiagnosed, and blurring that line between friendship and medical duty, prompted Gaby to say nothing when she learned that Nallely had complaints about headaches and issues with light sensitivity, and that came back to haunt her. Because that doomsday call involved Nallely basically passing out, due to whatever cascading disaster was brewing in her brain and despite the best efforts of Gaby and Bernardo to revive her, combined with the full efforts of the paramedics that responded, Nallely passed away. Devastating Gaby to no end and well, we learned a lot from this. In that, blurring that line really does cheapen the importance of what medical professionals do. Because it makes it look cool, and it is not supposed to be cool. It is supposed to be life or death and treated as such. Plus, for those who remove the line and become close with their patient, it can prompt one to overlook something serious, something that could be costly. Now that’s not to say that professionals can’t be caring and empathetic, they should be that in fact, but they simply cannot make this personal in the slightest, and this is indeed why, and that made for a powerful episode. One that truly set the stage for a harrowing back half of the season. Wherein Gaby will be transformed emotionally, and Marcus likely will as well, since his personal and professional life are too close together. Which of course, motivates us to continue the journey. To see if these characters can bounce back from this stunning lesson and be the heroes we know them to be, because truly, the city needs them. Until next time. Watch ‘Midnight Family’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Where’s Wanda?’ To revisit the previous episode, click here.
Normally, stories that revolve around people that are kidnapped or go missing, don’t reveal the truth about what happened to them until the end, and with good reason. Because that… is how you build some amazing tension in this kind of story. For now, the fate of the missing or the taken is a mystery, one that demands we continue the journey to learn the truth be it good or bad, and this formula is so impactful that stories rarely deviate from it, and we the audience love it. Because it does wow us in the end. But now and again, you encounter a story that wants to shake that up, with fascinating results. For some, ruin what it was working toward by toying with the structure, while others… offer up a brilliant twist that works, the latter of which applies to this week’s episode of Where’s Wanda? on Apple TV+. For ‘The Novaks’ took the time to do the impossible and inform us what happened to Wanda. As it turned out, on that tough day a few months ago, Wanda made her way into the woods to spend time at a special place that she and her grandfather used to visit to find peace and watch the birds. Of course, while she was out there, she saw that influencer be violently murdered and she sadly… was captured by the killer’s accomplice while trying to escape. That man’s name, happened to be Chris, and he knew Wanda from grade school and didn’t know what to do here. But what he did know was that he was not a killer, at all. So, he spared Wanda’s life and put her in his basement. Which just so happened to be the basement at a house that the police have already visited, the one that happened to be home to the absent-minded grandmother. There… she has stayed since that fateful day, out of the understanding that everything needed to blow over with the killer first. But clearly, that’s not the case and that was a stunning reveal for certain, one that led to more surprises, such as the fact that Chris played nice with Ole, after joining him at a gaming convention. A move that deeply complicates the situation put forth because now there are friendly ties to Chris’ actions and the surprises didn’t end there. Because this episode also revealed some serious truths to everyone else that have been lurking in the shadows. For instance, Dedo’s secret is now in the open, and we now know that Carlotta’s brother isn’t a monster but is doing some highly illegal things. Such as buying tigers to perhaps become the new Tiger King. Granted, that doesn’t answer our questions as to who THE King is, and whether or not things went awry with the henchman, since he could have been ordered to scare over kill. But that’s fine, because clearly this show is eager to give us answers no problem, and those will come in due time. But what matters more, is that this gambit paid off. Because it made it clear that this show truly isn’t a crime drama, it is about healing, it is about communication and the choices we make. As evidenced by the long talk that Carlotta and Dedo had about their feelings, and their struggles and it of course… set the stage for newfound tension regarding Wanda and her family. Since this episode ended with Dedo and Carlotta being trapped in a cellar and with Wanda facing down the very man that wanted her dead. But truly, this is the kind of story that can get away with making major changes to the structure of a story in this vein. Because of its subject matter and because of its desire to be unconventional and explore the impact of tough times on people. All of which made for an amazing episode. One that was intense, fascinating and funny in all the right spots. Plus, it was exciting to learn the truth and incredible to know that Wanda has been in one of the most obvious places to date, and all this does, is get us excited for next week’s episode. To see what kind of resolution awaits the new trouble that Carlotta, Dedo, and Wanda now face and of course… to learn more about the complex situation that has brought this family to this strange moment in their lives. Until next time. Watch ‘Where’s Wanda?’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 203 of ‘Shrinking’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
Normally shows and stories about healing, feature a theme of the week if you will. For instance, one episode might focus heavily on the sorrow that grief causes us, before moving onto what kinds of emotional mood swings, we go through. All in the hopes, of giving us a story that teaches us how to heal and how to be better when darkness and tough times come our way. Which isn’t a bad thing in the slightest, because heaven knows we could all use a guide on matters that we tend to learn the hard way. But there are stories out there that are looking to teach us such lessons in a far more organic manner, so that the lessons stick differently and so that we understand how to heal with the chaos of the world around us, and one show leading the charge in that is Shrinking on Apple TV+. As evidenced by the next episode of the show. For ‘Psychological Something-ism’ pondered upon a bevy of concepts related to healing in that style. For instance, it looked deeply at how hard it can be for us to support one another during hard times and during the healing process courtesy of Grace’s journey. For she didn’t get into trouble for what she did, but she felt… she should be punished. Because the trauma was real, and it even brought her back to Donny and his awful ways. Which pushed Jimmy to do what must be done to get her the help she needed, and that brought about conflict with Grace, with Brian, and all of that tied to the fact that we can be selfish with our healing needs and close off because we don’t think we can do anything to help someone in need or come back from our pain. But when we open up, wonders are accomplished, as evidenced by the healing that Grace took part in, and the joy that Jimmy brought to his friend. Plus, we also saw Paul and Liz learn a lot about the power of communication. Since Paul and Julie were dealing with some romantic struggles in this episode, the kind where Paul didn’t want to ask Julie what she needed because he was afraid it would complicate a love he craved. But he came to learn that asking the right questions and responding the right way… is how we strengthen a love. Whereas Liz learned… that you have to communicate, period. You cannot assume what a person wants or needs, you have to ask to find out. Because she overheard Sean talking to his dad about how it was a dream for them to work one, so she thought she’d grant his wish and give him that, only to learn… that was upsetting for Sean. For he did not want that, he just placated his father to be free of drama and had Liz asked about this, she would have known. But of course, the centerpiece of this episode, came forth via Alice. Who, despite advice from Paul, would not let go the fact that her mother’s killer was roaming about the town, and that… talking to him was deemed as a bad idea. Because she needed something, anything to quell the pain and perhaps speaking to him or taking out frustrations upon him was the way to go. So, she made her way to the coffee shop where he worked and confronted him and received, quite the surprise. In that, he apologized for what he had done, he offered her care and empathy and that… wasn’t what she was ready for in that moment. So, she lashed out, let unresolved pain come forth and tore into the man, whose name we learned is Louis. Which taught us, sometimes we are so desperate for closure and peace that we will do stupid things and lash out, and that made for a powerful moment from a powerful episode. One that truly offered up, a beautiful buffet of real-world scenarios and lessons. Since we do write people off when they rebuff our help when hurting, and we do have a tendency to try and keep a status quo going or make choices for those we care about, without learning what they actually need and want. And yes, we jump the gun to heal and that was all put on display here so we can see the moment, recognize it and prepare ourselves for the detailed lesson to come on how to fix it. All of which was presented to us in an unconventional manner, one that truly did feel real and plausible and has us eager to learn so we can see, peace come to the people of this universe. Because they’re struggling with a lot, and they are good people that deserve better, and it will be interesting to see what other unique ways in which we heal will be presented to us as season two of this powerful show continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘Shrinking’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 203 of ‘The Irrational’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
We are taught from a very early age, to not put much stock into what others think of us, and what others do to us. Because we can only control what we can control, so to put stock into that makes no sense. We should instead, do what must be done to make sure we are taken care of, and the reason that lesson is sent our way, is because our parents and eventually ourselves… come to learn that when you do put stock into that, the response is irrational in nature. Wherein we say and do things we should not, to find agency and find value. But thankfully, it really only gets that far before we figure it out and do something really awful. But it does beg the question… how bad could things get if we let the slights that people send our way, poison our soul to our core? Well, it just so happens, that the next episode of The Irrational on NBC, ponders upon just that. A feat that ‘Bad Blood’ accomplished by having both Alec and Rose deal with quite the unique case. In that, a newly promoted financial guru died while playing hockey in a manner that was strange, and clearly grounded in notions of murder. Which of course, prompted Alec and Rose to believe that the killer was someone with obvious motive, and there were plenty of folks that met that particular qualification. Since her boss was a scumbag, her rival was the one who injured her on the ice and even her boyfriend had some suspicious overtones to him. But the more the duo dug into the case, the more it became clear… that there was no foundation for those people to commit murder, they just had their issues. So, they had to dig far deeper to solve this case. Wherein they came to learn that the deceased had stumbled upon some suspicious behaviors and transactions at her firm. The kind that spoke to someone stealing from the company and that death may have been the order of the day over discovery, and well… that was indeed the case, for reasons… that were indeed irrational. Since it turned out that a mid-level employee, who was loyal and hardworking, and was also passed over for promotions and ignored from a value standpoint… was the one responsible for murder and theft. All because, she took to heart every slight, every passed over promotion with a sense of fury, anger and helplessness. That she in turn used against the company and an innocent life. All of which spoke deeply to how… we should only worry about our circle of influence and if we don’t feel valued or slighted, the best and rational revenge for such matters, would be to move on to better places. But while that made for a juicy case that engaged us all, there was so much more to be found in this tale. Since Kylie and Marisa worked together on a hacking case, one that impacted Kylie since the hacker stole her work to enjoy some measure of value as well, something that spoke to the central lesson again. Since it taught us that we make our own value in this life and there are better ways to do it when we are worried, we have none. But it also showed growth for Kylie, since she slipped into her new role at the office nicely and found agency. Not to mention, Marisa was more of a leader here, and she even helped Phoebe with some issues because she was truly seen here as someone that could offer wondrous guidance, and of course… we have to talk about Rose and Alec. Because at long last, they had a good talk about their relationship and their feelings and were open about everything and solidified their connection. Which was just lovely to see happen because they both deserve happiness. All of which makes this, a magnificent episode. Because it featured a wonderful case with a wonderful lesson we can learn from and apply to our lives. It harbored character and it was just… a lot of fun to watch, and you really cannot ask for much more about a show about the human condition than that. Plus, this episode was quite hopeful in nature, since it also reminded us… that while we stumble often and fall because of our irrational nature, we can still rise above and head into amazing new chapters, and it will be interesting to see what other lessons and moments of growth await us, as season two of this wondrous series continues along. Until next time. Watch ‘The Irrational’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode 202 of ‘Shrinking’. To revisit the Season Two Premiere, clickhere.
It really is quiet amazing what the hit Apple TV+ series, Shrinking, is accomplishing from a storytelling standpoint. Because this show about healing, is the only one out there that really showcases the reality of coming back from our worst moments. To inform us that this is a long and winding process that takes so much time and so much effort, and that’s a wonderful thing. Because the world needs to hear that and needs to know that, and never was this more evident than during the next episode of the show. Since ‘I Love Pain’ followed up on some key moments in a manner so real, and so raw, that it felt like we were simply watching everyday life. Because this episode showcased… how we tend to compartmentalize the big moments that should break us. So that we can survive in the interim and process our pain and that related to Jimmy’s journey in this tale. For he took the shock of seeing the man that basically killed his wife and buried it down to figure out how to address it with Grace and to figure out how to handle the reality that this man was suddenly back in their lives. Which led to awkward conversations and the difficult understanding that this a lot to process and that it can be healthy to sometimes set stuff aside, so we aren’t overwhelmed. Which was nice to see in a show about healing since so many offer the up the rough advice that we just need to power through and do the thing. But of course, since this show offers every step to healing available, it also made sure to showcase, how unhealthy things can come forth from that moment of respite from heavy and worrisome issues. Because Jimmy made sure to use his situationship with Gaby to help keep the pain and thoughts at bay, and that was unhealthy. Mainly because Gaby knew this wouldn’t last and needed to put up boundaries to help in her own healing. So that led to hard conflict here. The kind that saw this duo fight and hurt each other emotionally by coming to understand their mistakes and missteps and the unhealthy nature of their actions. Which added to the depth of this episode and outright helped us to understand that boundaries are important, and compensation is never healthy when something big is on our mind. However, while there were some unique lessons at hand, the kind that showcased flaws and beauty, there was some growth to be found here. Simply because Sean needed guidance on how to handle doing something he did not want to. Since Liz found a food blogger that could boost their profile, and that blogger was eager to interview Sean. But that made Sean nervous. Because he knew he would have to talk about his past, and he wasn’t ready. So, he wanted the easy way out, to avoid conflict with Liz, since he thought she would be mad at him for saying no, and that led to some conflict with Paul. Who offered a plan on how to handle this, one that Sean ignored. But some tough love from Paul finally motivated Sean to use the plan and it brought him what he wanted and the confrontation with Liz went easier than expected. Giving rise to real growth for him because he trusted the process and did right by himself over anything else. All of which made, for a slice of life episode, one that reminded us of the ups and downs of healing in a dynamic manner and also foreshadows how there are consequences for everything we do, even when we are trying to put the pieces back together. Since Jimmy will pay a price for going that route romantically and will also pay an inadvertent price for honesty and attempting to heal with Alice. Because she is very curious about the man that ended her mother’s life, and the sorrowful life he may now lead, and any interaction there or desire to know more, will lead to pain in the household. But while we wait to see where that goes, we can celebrate one engaging tale. One that really did remind us that the way back is a long and winding process… one that is genuinely worth the effort and the time. Watch ‘Shrinking’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
How ‘The Big Bad Fish Man’ Showcases the Fight Dreamers Sometimes Take Part in When They’re Close to the Finish Line
‘Don’t come for my shit, boy.’
It really is quite amazing; how many different and fantastical misconceptions are out there when it comes to chasing our dreams. Because one would think, with so many people chasing them on the regular, that we wouldn’t have such nonsense. That people would know that chasing your dreams is a difficult venture, and that you will fail along the way and struggle as well for that matter. But nope, we just keep plugging away with the thought that this will be a breeze. Maybe because deep down we know that it won’t be easy and this somehow helps us square that, or maybe ignorance is bliss, truly applies. But thankfully, the tide is changing regarding such perceptions, so that people can chase their dreams in a healthier manner, and the magnificent series Heels, will undoubtedly be remembered for leading the charge on that.
For it has from the very beginning looked at aspects of chasing one’s dream that no story has. Courtesy of moments that echo real life, and through commentary and lessons that showcase this difficult journey, and the next episode of the show excelled at that once again. For ‘The Big Bad Fish Man’ pondered deeply upon the fight that dreamers can very well experience when they get close to achieving it. Because there are so many others out there that want what that dreamer has, and they’re willing to sabotage to have it instead or ensure that someone doesn’t get there before them, and yes… to keep it, one must fight, one must fight hard in fact, by any means necessary. A truth that this episode brought forth, courtesy of Charlie Gully. Because despite landing Rooster on his roster and of course, enjoying his usual accolades, Gully had concerns. Because he knew full well the weight that Wild Bill threw around, and he knew full well a great match at the State Fair would put his revenue stream in jeopardy. So, he did what any man with access to money and a helicopter would do… he worked to bring down the DWL through humiliation. All by plastering the front of the Duffy Dome with propaganda, the kind to embarrass. Which Jack of course, cared little about. Because he understood what was happening, but Ace… who wanted this match to go well, wasn’t good with it. So… he bought into Charlie’s nonsense and drove himself down to Gully’s mansion to try and do right by the DWL, but really, he walked into a trap.
For this is what Gully wanted. He absolutely wanted to rattle the cage of one of Jack’s biggest stars and get them in his stead. To work that sales pitch, to break things apart, and stay atop the indie wrestling world and therein, came the lesson. Because just like that, the DWL hung in the balance and Jack had a hard call to make when Crystal told him of what was going to happen. For Ace was lured in and ready to jump, and he called Crystal to ask her to come along. Which meant, Jack either had to risk it all to save the league and save its future or let what lie ahead play out and hope for the best. Which is the conundrum a dreamer is faced with when someone tries to muscle in and Jack… decided to fight for what he had built and fight hard.
Which brought him to Florida Dystopia Wrestling as well, where he was able to lay low for a bit until the moment was right, and he could stand on stage and teach Charlie Gully a lesson. All of which, spoke to the reality that if we really want the dream, and everything it can offer… we have to fight for it. We have to be ready to give a Charlie Gully the business and stand tall and make people understand, this is our dream, this is what we want and no one, and I mean no one… is gonna come for our shit, as Tom and Jack so perfectly put it. All of which of served as a powerful way to explore the lesson at hand. Because we don’t think about the parasites that come along or the jealous. But they exist, they are a problem, and they will be near when we are close, and that’s the best part of this episode. The fact that Jack, and the DWL… are so close. They’re right there, the dream on the horizon and that is beautiful in its own right. But in the here and the now, it was all about the fight, of standing tall when adversity strikes, something Crystal did here as well by going after her shot at wrestling. A move that has its own depth we will break down in the finale rewatch. Because right now, we need to celebrate one of the show’s finest episodes. Courtesy of an amazing script and because of the performances, especially from Mike O’Malley, who plays Gully. Since he basically created a Bond Villain that loves to do blow and drink beers, and he really sold the depth of the character in an episode, that really did offer up a message that few discuss. In that, we can overcome this too when we really believe in what we are doing. Watch ‘Heels’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for the Season One Finale of ‘The Anonymous’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
It is definitely safe to say, that fans of the new hit USA Network series, The Anonymous, had some important questions on their minds when they tuned into last night’s episode. In that, we simply wanted to know who would win this competition, and how. Because it really has been anyone’s game at this point, thanks to DANI’s machinations and thanks to the fact that a single moment can surprise a competitor and potentially take them out. So, we have been dying to know how the competition is going to end and if any particular strategy will do the trick and clinch a victory and well, the season one finale of this series made sure to answer those questions and give us quite the satisfying ending, in the most epic manner possible. For ‘Welcome to the Finale’ saw incredible gamesmanship and epic surprises from DANI. After one last taste of normalcy. Since this episode opened up with the reveal that Marcel won The Anonymous and decided to send Lilly home, who also wowed the crowd with her gaming skills before bidding goodbye and with her gone, there was bittersweet celebration and one last intense competition to load up the prize pot. Wherein the Final Five would play a twisted version of Connect Four with balls launched from the sky. Which led to chaos, some domination from Christopher and some complications. Since DANI found unique ways to keep everyone on their toes. But in the end, the pot grew to eighty grand and the end of this competition brought forth… one final chat, another elimination, and the final Face Off. Now that chat… was certainly the most unique one to date. Simply because no one was calm and collect in this chat. They knew the stakes; they knew it was the last chance to get someone to expose themselves and that led to one intense conversation. One that was spicy in some ways, melancholy in others but they all managed to get through it to bring about one brutal elimination. For they went right into the test post chat, and The Anonymous was selected fast. But instead of some farewell moments and the dial ceremony, The Anonymous’ choice for elimination would not say goodbye. So that everyone could get right to that final Face Off, and believe it or not, Marcel won the title back-to-back and opted to break up Victopher by sending Victoria home and just like that, the Fantastic Four took to the dial for one stunning Face Off. Because this Face Off featured the reveal as to who sent Victoria home, and it was up to The Anonymous to decide the order of who was going to pick their respective boxes and once that was settled… we bore witness to the most epic Face Off to date in this series. One where sass was the order of the day, thanks to Christopher, who wanted to have as much fun as possible here. But everyone else, offered up a range of emotions and potential doubt regarding whether or not they had the winning box and that pushed Marcel, the true natural of this game, like never before. Because he really couldn’t pin who had the wining box and sadly, that cost him everything. For in the end, Nina won the day, after snagging the winning box from Andy and just like that… season one of this amazing series came to a close. Courtesy of an intense Face Off, that showcased once again, how quickly this game can turn. But that aside, Nina is the champion, and she deserves a round of applause for sowing just enough doubt to keep the winning box in her hands and for just plain playing a great game and well, that’s it for now fellow nerds that geek, that’s all there is to say about the show segment of season one. But fret not, we have more coverage to bring you over the next couple of days. Courtesy of our interviews with Lilly, Victoria, Christopher, Andy, Marcel, and the season one champion, Nina. To properly reflect on year one of this amazing new show, one that truly drew us in and kept our hearts racing. Courtesy of a refreshing new concept and some amazing contestants that we thoroughly enjoyed cheering for, and hopefully… we get a season two announcement for the show, soon. So, we can enjoy more of this brilliant new series, and all the surprises it sends our way. Until next time. Watch ‘The Anonymous’
Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Five of ‘Brilliant Minds’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
One particular moment we see often in just about every medical drama out there, is the happy ending. Wherein in some form or capacity, the person suffering from a hideous ailment, is given joyous resolution. It might be that they have a long road ahead or that they can expect some baby steps as they heal, but they heal none the less and we have tears in our eyes because there is beauty in watching people survive the ravages of fate. But while it is nice to enjoy a happy ending and see wonders come forth in medical dramas, those endings are indeed, escapist in nature. Because not everyone that walks into a hospital for major care is cured when their journey is done. Because sometimes, there is no cure for what they have, and they must figure out how to live with that ailment. Which is why the NBC series, Brilliant Minds is of note. Simply because it is that rare medical drama that makes sure to tell that truth and explore what that kind of surprise looks like, as evidenced by this week’s story. For ‘The Haunted Marine’ offered someone the bad news that there was no cure for their ailment, after of course, expanding upon the John Doe storyline. Because now that everyone was aware of the fact that John was conscious, they had to figure out how to communicate with him and reach him, so they could better diagnose and heal him. Which led to another wondrous sequence of events, wherein Dana and Van worked hard to reach him and believe it or not, they figured out a way to communicate with him, using his eye movement, and in doing so… learned he’s Russian and also… terrified. Terrified of being sent off again, something that struck Dr. Wolf to his core and only tied him closer to this mystery patient who we know now… has hope. Especially since Wolf has quite the idea to give him a chance to speak, via a microchip implant. But while it was amazing to see the team figure out a way to speak with a patient in this state and not give up on him, it was the central story here that explored how some folks don’t get the news they want regarding their health. Which was handled by way of the introduction of a man named Steve Hill. Who was a former marine and was struggling with something that seemed to be an easy diagnosis, PTSD. Because he was seeing literal ghosts of fallen marines he served with in his unit, and he was prone to behavioral swings and explosions of emotion. But a quick look over Steve’s record made it clear… that PTSD wasn’t possible. Because he and his unit were never once on the front lines of combat. They worked with a cannon unit and hit the enemy from afar with their gear. Leaving Dr. Wolf to ponder upon the possibility that something worse was at play here within his body, and that too, went nowhere since Steve’s scans were all clear and healthy by medical standards. However, an off the cuff comment from Dr. Nichols, led Dr. Wolf to ponder upon something that few would ever consider, CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). A neurodegenerative disease often associated with NFL players since it relates to concussions and the long-term damage those incur upon the brain. Which of course should not have applied here. But the fact that Steve was showing symptoms, and that the fallen surrounding him showcased similar symptoms before passing, prompted Dr. Wolf to prove this diagnosis, and with the help of the family of one of the deceased soldiers in that unit… that proof came to light, Steve did have CTE. Which allowed for the team to get long-term benefits activated for him since this injury happened in combat, and it put Steve on a long road to… living with his affliction. For there would be no cure, and eventual trouble, so all that could be done was to mitigate his symptoms and give him every moment. Which was an unconventional ending. Because just like that, there was no sustainable joy, no bright tomorrow for Steve. Just the harsh reality that he was ill and would forever be and that was sobering… but welcome from this unconventional series. Because it did remind us that happy endings aren’t always possible and until science reaches a revolutionary apex, these moments happen, and it really does become about the moment and cherishing every good day for patients like Steve. Plus, we’d be remiss to not point out that this episode also featured more intimate moments with the characters, the kind that showcased more of why Wolf does what he does, what haunts Nash, and Van’s intelligent. All of which just added to a thoughtful tale that informed us, that love, and care is sometimes all we can offer to the sick, and that has its own weight and worth, since it calms fears and helps people do the work, to maintain for as long as they can. Until next time. Watch ‘Brilliant Minds’
January 2025