Written by John Edward Betancourt Often times in crime stories revolving around the rise and fall of a drug kingpin, the heavy in question… is insatiable when it comes to their desire to acquire money and power. To the point where they are unrecognizable by the end of the story, which in turn brings about their tragic finale, wherein the desire to have every, thing, over human connection destroys them. But while that makes for a powerful journey, one that is grounded in the nature of greed and its dangers, it does leave one to wonder… if it is possible for a drug kingpin to ever have enough. If they could in fact, reach a point where they finally feel okay with what they’ve accomplished and walk away satisfied and it just so happens, that the next episode of Breaking Bad opts to dive into such questions. That is… after Heisenberg took care of some important housecleaning. For ‘Gliding Over All’ opens up with a tense meeting between Lydia and Walter, wherein the two of them come to a long-term agreement, financially, in exchange for Lydia’s safety and the names of the last of the Fring gang. Which Walter immediately took to the Aryan Brotherhood in Albuquerque to enlist their help in ending all of their lives. A move that proved to be quite worthwhile on Walter’s part… since the Brotherhood was able to wipe out all nine guys, and one scuzzy lawyer, in a matter of two minutes over the span of three separate locations. Which of course, made Hank look like a fool and enabled the story, to begin the exploration in question. For shortly after this Capone inspired, Valentine’s Day Massacre type event, Heisenberg was able to enlist Todd’s help in making more Blue Sky and for a time… that’s all Walter did. Work and make money and bring it to his wife to launder, and of course… be left alone in peace to be the drug lord and king he always wanted to be. But after a few months, and a routine visit to the doctor to check on his lungs, Walter found himself at a crossroads. One presented unto him by Skyler. For it turned out that she rented a storage locker to keep the profits safe since there was no way she could launder… a palate of cold, hard cash. And seeing that money and hearing his wife ask him if this would be enough… answered all of those questions in the affirmative. For he had everything he needed or wanted financially… so why not walk away? Which brought the kids home and brought peace to the family at last… and it even brought forth an impromptu apology from Walter to Jesse. One that involved cash and shock for Mister Pinkman, since he was worried that a visit from Heisenberg, meant the end had come for him as well. But instead, an old friend took care of him, and these moves made it appear as though, Breaking Bad was going to end in a different manner. Wherein a drug kingpin could walk away from the business and potentially explore what life looked life after crime… without punishment. Where perhaps Walter could reconcile with his wife and raise his kids in peace. But alas, a simple, seemingly throwaway moment where Hank had to use the bathroom for a minute… changed everything. For the always sly ASAC Schrader was digging through Walter’s reading material while doing his business and he came across a book from Walt Whitman. One that featured a love letter from Gale Boetticher and once again featured the initials of W.W. and that… allowed for Hank to put all the pieces together. In that, there was a solid chance the Heisenberg he’s been chasing all this time, was indeed Walter White and that revelation… will clearly change everything. For the last thing Walter wants to do is go to jail and considering how far he’s gone to stay out of it… he may indulge in the darkest parts of his soul to keep his freedom since Hank will undoubtedly act upon this. Which means, the disaster and tragedy we have been bracing for, is on its way. But alas, it will be a little bit before we dive into that, for the last half of these Retro Recaps are going to accompany the second half of the final season of Better Call Saul. So, for now, we will let this cliffhanger simmer and settle in our minds, and revisit its conclusion with fresh eyes, this summer. Until next time.
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