Written by Tim GirardEven though my main focus was covering panels at 2018 Denver Comic Con, these were the top ten booths that I visited and wanted to give some love to. I don’t give detailed descriptions, because I don’t want you to have any preconceived notions. Click on the links and you should see right away why they are included on this list. False Fox Art - Fionnula Willman is a freelance illustrator, comic artist, and painter. She is ‘committed to telling and bringing to life stories that resonate with the world we live in.’ Her website (falsefoxart.com) includes a gallery with her portfolio, comics, tattoo designs, and fan art, as well as her bio, contact info, and blog. Follow her on Patreon, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and email her (falsefoxart@gmail.com) for inquiries. Puillustrated – ‘Pui Che is a fantasy illustrator,’ who ‘interweaves storytelling into each of his works, exploring philosophy and the spirituals.’ On his website (puillustrated.com), you can scroll down for his Coloring Book, Personal Work, Client Works, and Resume. There are also links to his store and contact info. Follow him on Etsy, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and email him (pui.illustrated@gmail.com). Angelarium - Peter Mohrbacher ‘is the creator of Angelarium and the driving force behind the project since he created it in 2005,’ when he ‘discovered that there were thousands of named angels throughout multiple mythologies.’ On the website (angelarium.net), he has divided the angels into categories: The Emanations of the Tree of Life, The Watchers, The Seraphim, and The Zodiac, as well as a page about the angelic script. There are also links to a news blog, info about his team, and his store. Follow him on Patreon, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and email him (trueangelarium@gmail.com). AJ Moore - AJ Moore is an artist and the creator of The Super Newts, Dorse and Doose, and Chi-Chi Cosplay Panda and is also the Founder of GudFit Entertainment. On his website (gudfit.com) you can find out about GudFit, check out the blog, production info, webcomics, guddies, a page featuring his art, and a link to his Etsy GudStore. Follow him on Etsy, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and email him (ajartist@gmail.com). Artovision - Artovision makes ‘collectible artwork for your home entertainment system ... inspired by popular culture, video games, food and Americana.’ Their website (artovision3d.com), displays and sells their 3D Shadowbox Art, Desktop Art, Art Prints, Originals, and Merch. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. ayA Studios – ‘We tell the stories, ones that have been overlooked, that need to be told.’ They do comic publishing, motion comics, and educational workshops. Their website (ayastudiosllc.com), has a pages for their stories, news, a calendar of event dates, and their store (where you can pick up issue #1 of their comic Pilla. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and email them (create@ayastudiosllc.com). Brick Bunch - They sell ‘brick’ minifigures ($5 off every $25 and 20%of orders over $25 BB2018 Expires 12/31/2018). Their website (BrickBunch.com) groups the minifigures into categories, including DC, Marvel, Star Wars, movies, Disney, animated, miscellaneous, Ninjago, television, and video games. Whatever figure you’re looking for, they probably have it, and it’s probably $5. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and contact them here. Glider Comix – ‘The company started with an idea sparked by a father and daughter and their love for writing, comic books, art and the drive to help young people change their lives.’ Their flagship comic Sugar Glider deals with ‘challenges facing teens today...such as self-image, bullying, suicide, social media, etc.’ Their website (GliderComix.com) has info and a store (If you order any merch, they ask that you ‘Please post photos of receiving your package and use the hashtags #SugarGlider and #ComicWithACause’). Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and contact them here. Passion of the Nerd - Ian Martin is a ‘geek video guy.’ His YouTube, channel is mostly video guides to episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel...but there are other videos too. Follow him on Patreon, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Whimsical Whiskers - Brenna Deutchman makes stuffed dragons, and cats…and clothes and accessories for the stuffed dragons and cats…or for real dragons and cats if they are small enough and you can get them to sit still long enough. Her website (whimsicalwhiskers.com) has separate pages for the dragons, cats, and accessories, as well as a bio, blog, portfolio, store, and contact. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and email her (brenna@whimsiwhiskers.com) to check stock or for a custom order. Tell ‘em Tim from Nerds That Geek sent ya!
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