Written by John Edward Betancourt
Caution: This article contains spoilers for Episode Six of ‘The Watchful Eye’. To revisit the previous episode, click here.
There comes a point in our lives, where we reach… a healthy breaking point. Where we simply have enough of our situation and our standing, and sometimes a relationship that we realize is going nowhere, and that prompts us… to stand up and make some changes. Some… take a little time and we commit to them none the less, while others… demand that we push and push hard. To make an impact now and be free of what concerns us and well, that particular moment is of note today, simply because… it is where we found Elena at from a mental health standpoint in the next episode of The Watchful Eye on Freeform. For ‘Save New York’ is a story that saw Elena reeling from what she and Scott discovered last week. In that, someone was watching her closely and was onto her desire to poke about the Greybourne and well, that was more than Elena was willing to put up with. Which prompted her, to make that call and figure out a way quickly to get the ruby and to quite frankly… make whoever was threatening her, pay, and pay dearly. As luck would have it… that window arrived. For the Save New York Greybourne Gala was about to take place. Wherein everyone in the family was going to be there in some capacity to hob nob and raise boatloads of cash for the foundation and the business and well, that allowed for a plan to hatch. One that involved Roman, since he was going to search Mrs. Ivey’s residence in the middle of the shindig, while Elena… taught those who wished to bring her harm, a strong lesson in humility. A plan that seemingly, was going to work. For she was able to unlock the secret passage into the Ivey residence So Roman could get in, and she even used Ginny’s connections with the Chan family to lock down tickets to the gala event. Finally making it appear as though, she was going to get her way and complete this mission and enjoy the good life she has been dreaming of for some time now. But alas, nothing quite went to plan. In fact, this whole event, and every decision that Elena made, despite being for the right cause… her freedom and her sanity… transformed into an outright disaster. In part because, the good old human factor came into play. For Bennet and Roman’s powerful mutual attraction reached a tipping point on this night. Courtesy of a romantic evening the Ayers’ apartment, wherein messages regarding the heist went unnoticed, and delayed the search. Plus, everything Elena hoped to accomplish at the party never came to fruition. Simply because Scott was there to muck things up and the constant distractions around her kept her from learning anything. Not to mention, her phone was stolen, and her friends were discovered and had it not been for flawless timing, Roman would have been caught. Not that it mattered though, since his short window of search time … didn’t deliver much in the way of a ruby. But it did deliver heartache since Bennet thought he left her to have an affair with Elena, and she confronted them both and was hurt in the process so the truth could be upheld. But even then… the situation still went from bad to worse. Since Ginny had words for her friend and… she was the recipient of a cryptic message. One that hinted that the truth about Elena was about to come to light, and that cannot be good in the slightest and well, this was just… an amazing episode when all is said and done. For it really did advance the plot forward by having Elena push to claim the ruby and her freedom and thickened the plot by exposing her and well, that leaves Elena and the audience in a tough place. Because we are forced to sit here and wait, to see what comes next now that the plan is beginning to unravel. Until next time.
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November 2024