Truly, the new-boot of Night Court on NBC does an amazing job of bringing in and bringing back amazing guest stars that entertain and impact the story, and last night… Bert, played by Betsy Sodaro returned to Judge Stone’s courtroom for more shenangians. And we here at NTG had the distinct honor of sitting down with Betsy to discuss ‘The Hole Truth’ regarding Bert. John Betancourt: I'm very curious to start off by getting to learn what as an actor, attracted you to the part of Bert. Betsy Sodaro: I mean, honestly, just the idea of like, kind of a no BS, like, custodian who works in like, a New York Night Courtroom. I was like, “Yeah, absolutely.” This seems so much fun, like all this stuff she must have seen and sees every day is like, “Oh, that's so much fun.” And I'm just a big fan of Night Court and sitcoms in general, I'm like, you know, this sounds so much fun. I want to do this. You know? John Betancourt: Something that I really enjoy is the fact that doesn't matter what week it is or what what's going on in that court, every character has such amazing depth to them and has such a realism to them, and Bert is no exception to that rule, and I'm very curious how you built that depth, because Bert felt like somebody that we've all known at some point. Betsy Sodaro: I feel like, because, truly, when I first read the role, it felt very much like,” Oh, she has a lot of other stuff happening in her life that doesn't have has anything to do with what's going on here in the courtroom,” where it's just kind of like, “What is she doing on her time off?” You know, in like, kind of a weirdo in a great way, where, and they, like dropped, there are always, like, a couple of hints where it's like, “Wait, what's your deal, man?” you know, and I think that brings a lot, like, just a really fun game to that character, and just kind of like, yeah, some intrigue of what's happening, what's going on in your life, in the courtroom and outside of the courtroom, which is very fun. John Betancourt: Now you mentioned your adoration of the show, and I kind of want to go back to it as well, because Night Court is such an important show and so iconic. What is it about Night Court that you love, just from a personal perspective. Betsy Sodaro: I really love how kind of cartoony it can get. Like, I've always been such a fan of comedy in general, and mostly like the cartoon heightening of stuff where it is, like, yeah, why not have a great big hole where stuff just disappears and there's no explanation. Like, I love, and I feel that happens on this show a lot, of like, these jokes and these ideas just heightened so much like a cartoon, that it's just like, “This is so funny and fun and feels like just that classic sitcom.” And for me, the classic like, “Oh, this is what comedy is to me, where it gets so heightened and silly.” And having those characters that like help ground the silly, even though they're just as silly. You know, I just, I love it so much. It really makes me happy. John Betancourt: To expand on that a little further, why do you think this show continues to resonate so well with audiences. Betsy Sodaro: I think I really do think the kind the comedy of it all and how silly it gets; I think people really like that. You know, people really kind of want that. I feel special. I mean, this is so cliché, and I feel people have been saying it for the last, like, 40 years, but it is like people want an escape. People want to laugh. And this is a great show where it's like, it absolutely deals with relevant stuff, but not to where it's like, punching you in the face, to be like, “Yeah, we're living that right now. We're living that. And this is kind of rough.” It's more of like, “Yeah, this thing's happening. But also, here are the funny ways our very beloved characters are reacting to what's going on and stuff,” which I think, I do think it's like the fun kind of cartoony comedy of it all is what people are like, “Yes, I need this right now.” John Betancourt: I agree. I mean, especially, I think probably this year, more than ever. Now, comedy is where you thrive, as are sitcoms and television, and I’m curious how you prepare for a show like this. What process do you go through to get Bert ready? Betsy Sodaro: Oh, my goodness. Well, I will say, fortunately, I have gotten to do a ton of stuff for live audiences, and I've also gotten to do quite a few multi cam sitcoms, which are so much fun, and having that live audience is just so incredible, and such a rush. And it's all just --especially coming into Night Court it… I was absolutely a little nervous, because I'm like, I'm just like, some of the biggest, like, sitcom legends ever, you know, like Melissa (Rauch) and John (Larroquette) and now Wendie (Malick), like… freaking out. But also, what's so wonderful about multi cam is that we rehearse. You get to rehearse a lot, and you get to, like, you kind of get to try, depending on the show or night, you can try things and, like, kind of make moves and see, like, does that work? And it's just… it's surprisingly, like, relaxing and just really fun. And I gotta say, the whole vibe on the set of Night Court, the writers, the crew, the cast, made it super fun and chill and easy to kind of walk on and be like, let's make people laugh. Let's just have fun and get silly. Which rules like, that's all you can hope for in a job. John Betancourt: Now you bring up a good point about nerves. a really good point about nerves. We don't talk about that a lot, because everybody kind of assumes that actors are immediately, you know, ready to go, just like that. How then did you get over some of those nerves? Betsy Sodaro: Yeah, a big thing is, like, for me personally, when, because you always start with a table read of the episode, like the very first day, the first thing you do is a table read. And for me, once I get that, like first laugh, that's kind of like, “Oh, okay, here we go. Here we go.” But then, of course, right before shooting and stuff. I still get the nerves, and I'm glad I still get a little nervous and excited. Be like, “Okay, be on your toes. Get ready for this.” But it is like, and once again, while shooting, getting that first laugh is such a big like, “Oh, okay, the audience is on our side. Let's go,” you know, so that's a that's a big and once again, just rehearsing helps me so much. John Betancourt: I really appreciate that insight. The last question I have for you today, what you enjoy the most about getting a chance to be on Night Court and just play in this playground. Betsy Sodaro: I mean, I do think being surrounded by such unbelievably great performers was a dream come true. You know where it is like -- I've been watching these people for years, and now I get to, like, make them laugh and laugh with them, and, like, make a really fun show. It's just such a dream. And also, like, it's just, it's so fun just being on set and once again, like rehearsing all week and then putting a show on it just… yeah, it's a dream come true. It feels wild. I'm constantly like, “Whoa, okay. Is this real? I'll take it!” This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
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