Chilling new thriller The Institute reunited director Hamza Zaman and actor Mark Lobene, who had earlier worked on The Bohemians on the New York stage. Nerds That Geek: Correct me if I’m mistaken, the film was shot in New York? Mark Lobene: Yes, it was shot in Upstate New York, along the Hudson River. NTG: Did the shoot require you to relocate? Mark Lobene: Luckily no. I did stay on location for several weeks while shooting. This was a great team experience. It was like summer camp! NTG: How did you meet Hamza Zaman, the director? What led to the part? Mark Lobene: I met Hamza several years ago when he directed me in a new play called “The Bohemians” at the Theater for The New City in downtown Manhattan. We connected immediately and ultimately discussed “The Institute” screenplay he was working on. We have similar life values. NTG: What makes your character tick? Mark Lobene: The need for world recognition as one of the smartest fertility doctors around. Additionally, he needs to make scientific breakthroughs that will assure him that he will be in the history books. He likes scientific challenges and goes after them with energy. NTG: And how would you describe the character arc, without giving anything away? Mark Lobene: Without giving anything away, I would describe the character arc as one of extreme competency that leads to a type of egomania, which leads to going off the tracks in pursuit of science at all costs to the detriment of others. NTG: Was Hamza open to improvisation and contributions from the cast? Mark Lobene: Yes, absolutely. He welcomed feedback. NTG: Being an actor, I imagine he was a real ‘actor’s director’? Was that evident? Mark Lobene: Yes, Hamza saw things from behind the camera and in front of it. This is a great strength in a director as it provides a global view of the process. NTG: What do you think makes the film as unique as it is? Mark Lobene: Several things make this film unique. First and foremost is the sympathy with which the romantic leads are portrayed. They’re real people with real people’s problems. Second, the crossover from “good science” to “bad” science in pursuit of a good objective, yet the transgressor, Dr. Landes, really believes he is doing good for the world, sort of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome. NTG: There’s always something spooky going on, on the sets of horror movies. Any scary workplace stories for us to end on? Mark Lobene: I’d like to tell you, but you need to see the film first! THE INSTITUTE is now available on digital, DVD, cable and Blu-ray.
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